
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pond Name Ideas?

Need name ideas for my ponds:

(A) I have one round, 300 gallon, plastic Rubbermaid tub for the big turtles.
(B) I have a wooden, rectangle, 250 gallon pond for the small turtles and the fish.
(C) I have a 55 gallon aquarium inside the house with a palm tree on the basking area and a castle cave and a firetruck that houses Captain Pleco, Spotty Fish (and two babies), and Baby Timmy.

 I can't think of any names for them.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Finished. For today, anyway.

All the surviving fish are in the inside wooden pond. The four small turtles in there look overwhelmed. 

I have to put the lights for the basking areas down a bit because it's not warm enough on the platforms. The little ones are basking anyway, which is cute. 

In the works is a charcoal filter system for the fish pond, but ... later. I am so very tired. This week has been exhausting and full of panic and rush. 

Pictures to show my work: 

My reed fencing came in. I think it sets off the garage corner nicely. 

You can see just a bit through it, and it gives the turtles extra security and privacy.

Here you can actually see one of the little turtles basking.

The space behind the wooden pond allows the kids and me to watch the turtles up close, and to feed them.

 I got some dandelion greens on special at the store and I propped them up like real plants on the basking area. As you can see, the small turtles have already torn at them and pulled some out.

The big turtles eat what's hanging in the water.

And my kid, doing a turtle puzzle. He loves his turtles.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The List of the Dead

Two goldfish
Probably one pleco
Maybe two plecos (I haven't found the other one yet)

And Wednesday the female dalmatian molly died. She is survived by one two babies and the male. This list will be updated as I finish draining the pool and collecting the goldfish.

There are a half dozen fish that were left in the pond last night, but I had been at it for two hours solid of catching, washing, straining, draining, and bucketing, and these last elusive fish just weren't getting caught. It was dark, it was cold, and I was wet. So they probably won't make it.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Our first baby Dalmatian Molly is here! I saw it swimming around a little in the tank this morning.

IT'S SO LITTLE. It's too little to get a decent picture of, even.

The female is somewhere hidden, maybe pushing out more babies. I haven't seen her all day.

Picture Update - new ponds and turtle moving

New indoor pond setup; 250 gallon wooden pond and 300 gallon Rubbermaid stock tank. 

The shelves aren't going to be there; I was laying out a way to keep the turtles inside with a shared basking setup but went with a different plan.

The turtle-catching party.

 The turtles in the wading pool containment area.

The turtle-washing crew. We had to get the hard water calcification off the shells.

Got the parts to build the basking lamp setups for each pond. Lots of GFI goodness.

And now for the turtles!

CHEWY (who may be a Western Pond Turtle)






TIMMY (the original)

My bite wound is healing up to look almost like a heart.

BABY TIMMY in his castle.

Got the light mountings built but I can't find any ceiling studs to screw the rope into.

Anyway, that's it. Everyone is accounted for and I am still exhausted. 

The turtle-catching crew did a fast job of finding everyone and nobody got bitten but me, despite them having found all of the turtles using their feet. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

It's here!

300 gallon Rubbermaid tank!
Just waiting on the wooden pond that I should get tomorrow. Whee!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Project For Later

Apparently you can build your own floating turtle dock with styrofoam, expanding foam sealant, and cement.

I'll have to look into this further.

The Pond Plant Haul

There was a sale at $petstore when I went in last night. Pre-planted pond plants for under $2 each. I picked up all six that were on the shelf and brought them up to the register, where the manager on duty casually mentioned he had more in the back.
He had 30 more in the back. I got them all. Once the turtles are out and it starts warming up a little (next year), I'll put all these in and see where we get. It'll be nice to have pond plants all over.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Stock Tank

I ordered the new 300 gallon stock tank for the inside wintering of the turtles.
I hope it gets here before November.





And so pretty. I saw it for only a second but wow, it was SO BIG.


I did a lot of calculations and diagramming today. A lot. My wrist even hurts.
I had this awesome, awesome idea for two ponds, side-by-side in an L shape, one rectangle and one square, like aquariums that fit the layout of the stuff in my garage. One 6x4x3, one 3x3x3. They would share a basking area but would still be separately enclosed. One would be 500+ gallons, one would be 200ish gallons. I even had the turtles' gallons-per-turtle needs calculated and a list of turtles that would fit into each pond. And I was on my way to building a waterproof container for my webcam.
I did all the layout, the structural designing, the price-checking / list-making on Home Depot's website, and all the calculations for the pond liner and found someone on Craigslist that was selling the pond liner thickness I needed.
Total price for a DIY set of tanks for all turtles in my pond, totaling about 700 gallons: A bit over $500 and a whole lot of weekend work and likely some injury.

Now, there was someone on Craigslist that I found that was selling his 4x5x2.5 300ish gallon above-ground koi pond with liner and pump and filter for $350. And I found a place online who would sell me a 300 gallon Rubbermaid stock tank for $250 with free shipping.
Total price for a buy-it-now-no-assembly-required-don't-even-touch-a-hammer-immediate-gratification 600-ish-gallon setup: $600
... so it looks like the DIY Super Garage Aquarium of Doom Project is on hold for now, but my turtles will be safe and healthy inside for about the same amount of money. Heck, even less money when you factor in the extra cost for broken parts, redoing of things, bandaids, new tools that I would need, and a whole assortment of other things. AND there's no chance of a sudden, explosive leak / drain ruining everything on the floor in my garage, either.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

So Anyway...

I did a lot of calculations and diagramming today. A lot. My wrist even hurts. 
I had this awesome, awesome idea for two ponds, side-by-side in an L shape, one rectangle and one square, like aquariums that fit the layout of the stuff in my garage. One 6x4x3, one 3x3x3. They would share a basking area but would still be separately enclosed. One would be 500+ gallons, one would be 200ish gallons. I even had the turtles' gallons-per-turtle needs calculated and a list of turtles that would fit into each pond. And I was on my way to building a waterproof container for my webcam. 
I did all the layout, the structural designing, the price-checking / list-making on Home Depot's website, and all the calculations for the pond liner and found someone on Craigslist that was selling the pond liner thickness I needed. 
Total price for a DIY set of tanks for all turtles in my pond, totaling about 700 gallons: A bit over $500 and a whole lot of weekend work and likely some injury.

Now, there was someone on Craigslist that I found that was selling his 4x5x2.5 300ish gallon above-ground koi pond with liner and pump and filter for $350. And I found a place online who would sell me a 300 gallon Rubbermaid stock tank for $250 with free shipping (PM me and I'll tell you where). 
Total price for a buy-it-now-no-assembly-required-don't-even-touch-a-hammer-immediate-gratification 600-ish-gallon setup: $600
... so it looks like the DIY Super Garage Aquarium of Doom Project is on hold for now, but my turtles will be safe and healthy inside for about the same amount of money. Heck, even less money when you factor in the extra cost for broken parts, redoing of things, bandaids, new tools that I would need, and a whole assortment of other things. AND there's no chance of a sudden, explosive leak / drain ruining everything on the floor in my garage, either.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Super Huge Update

Things that have happened in the last two weeks:
1. We got a new turtle. Her name is Betty and she is the biggest turtle in the pond.
2. We've decided to winter the turtles indoors (garage) and redo the pond while they're all out.
3. I took lots of pictures.

1. So about Betty... She came to us from someone on Craigslist who was moving and couldn't bring her to where she was going. She was very well cared for and the person giving her away made sure we had the right environment for her before she even told us where she lived. Betty was found crossing a road as an adult and was taken home to a pond where she's been for five or so years. She is hand-friendly and not nearly as skittish as the other turtles in the pond.

2. I cleaned out the garage and made room for both a car and a turtle habitat. We plan to get a couple of tubs or tanks for the turtles to swim in, but also to have an "outdoor" area with grass and plants and places for them to crawl around on. To have the appropriate amount of water for all the turtles, though, we're going to have to have two areas with tubs. I'm thinking the small kiddie pool for the little turtles and a larger, sturdier stock tank for the big ones. The whole area will be fenced off with two foot tall fencing; since Betty has a nine-inch shell, we have to make the fence over 18 inches, so I figure two feet is a good measurement so we won't have to re-make everything when she's full grown (12 inches). There will be heaters in the water and lights for basking, and I really hope they like it in there since they'll be there for a few months.

3. More pictures. I love watching these guys bask so happily and I can see 'em all from my bedroom window without startling them.

4. Bonus video: