
Friday, August 10, 2012

It's The Heat

So much algae. I need more fish. I can't even scoop the algae off the top anymore. I have a huge mess of pea soup.

We were supposed to get another turtle today (a rescue; somebody's kid bought it and now they don't want it so the dad was selling it for $5) but the guy had an emergency and wasn't home. We're getting a very tiny baby one from a friend next week, too. The baby one will be kept inside, however, because that'd just be a death sentence to put it into the huge pond with a full-grown male turtle. And there was a craigslist ad about someone needing to rehome all their outdoor turtles that I've responded to twice. Actually, I've emailed every single person that's posted a turtle ad, whether they asked for money or not, to let them know I have a pond that they could put their turtle(s) in if they really needed a home. I'm hoping this keeps some turtles out of park lakes.

I heard what happens to overpopulations of turtles in park lakes and it made me very, very sad. It's terrible. It's also terrible that people just dump their unwanted animals there too, making what the park folks have to do necessary. So unfair. Poor turtles. (Poor park people; I would not want to do that job.)

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