
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Babies Everywhere!

All three of my water mint cuttings have roots now, just within the last couple of days. This means I will be making more cuttings and moving these three to their new soil-less pot.

And I have multiple instances of mosquito fish babies! Some in the spa and a lot in the pond. They look like tadpoles and I was really confused when I first saw them because of that. I wondered what kind of creature had spawned in my pond! So cute. Now I'm just waiting for the goldfish to spawn, but since mosquito fish have live birth and goldfish lay eggs, I think the goldfish will have a harder time of it.

I built a basking platform in the middle of the pool but I haven't seen anyone use it yet. I may try to redo it and make it more stable later, when it stops being rainy at night.

I kind of want to just create an island.

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